Friday, March 1, 2013

David Schwartz Visits Ben Rush!

We are steadily building upon our understanding of multiplication and the boys and girls are still loving it :) To make things even better we were very lucky to have David Schwartz at our school recently! He is an award-winning, wonderful children's book author and is known for incorporating his love of big numbers into books. His visit synched perfectly with our multiplication unit :)

When he came, one of his books that he talked about was "On Beyond A Million". It deals with multiplication, big numbers, and the powers of 10. The book takes kids up through the trillions! They get SO excited when learning about big numbers that there must be something inherently emotional about working with huge numbers. I believe the idea that every time you add a zero to a number it gets 10 times bigger and that's really big, is that intrinsic piece.

 The key to learning about big numbers is relating them to something meaningful- something concrete- and David Schwartz was able to do that. He brought his book "On Beyond A Million" to life right here at Ben Rush! He used bags of popcorn to show the kids what 1 kernel, 10 kernels, 100 kernels, 1,000 kernels, and 10,000 kernels looks like. The kids were entirely riveted :) Please ask your third grader about the popcorn experience with David Schwartz!