Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sounds Come From Vibrations!

Of all of the wonderful science projects and experiments we've done in class, I have to say that today's lesson seemed to excite the kids just a tad more than usual :)  We had a great time exploring the production of sound with a tuning fork (on the left) and long gong (on the right). 

We learned all about sound sources (things that make vibrations) and sound receivers (things that detect the vibrations) including how certain animals generate and receive "sound".  Ask your kiddo how a fish, grasshopper, and snake communicate! 

With the use of the tuning fork and long gong the boys and girls looked for vibrations at the sound source, identified sound receivers, and compared sound volume/vibration intensity.  They explored the vibrations using the instruments as well as other tools such as a ping pong ball, water, paper, and their own cheek!

The main take away point from today was for the kids to not just understand but experience that sound is caused by vibrations :)