Friday, November 30, 2012

"Travel" Partners

We began Reading Workshop this week with an analogy about how reading is like traveling- and like traveling, reading is better when you're not alone!  This past summer I traveled with my best friend Erika to Europe and am using some experiences I had to aid in teaching Reading Workshop :)

I'm finding there are so many connections, it makes workshop very fun!  For instance, it took Erika and I weeks to plan our trip because we needed to figure out what we each liked and therefore where we wanted to visit.  Similarly in Reading Workshop, students will work within their reading "families" that we started yesterday to get to know a partner of their choosing and what they each like so that they can pick books to read together.

Of course, Erika and I didn't agree 100% of the time on things we wanted to see.  I didn't share the same interest in the Tower of Pisa as she did, and she was not as enthusiastic about the hike I wanted to do in the Cinque Terre.  Although we briefly went our separate ways, at the end of those days we were each SO excited about what we'd experienced that we highly recommended our activity to each other and convinced one another to someday take part in what we'd missed :) 

Reader's do the same thing!  They make recommendations and help one another experience things they may not have otherwise experienced.

As the boys and girls get more involved with workshop, we will fill out the rest of the connections in our chart :)