Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reading Workshop Launch!

We launched our Reading Workshop with a lesson on ownership!  Being responsible for your own reading life is a powerful message and one I want to send right away. Children need a clear vision of what powerful readers look like so we will build upon this image as we move through the year.

We started today by discussing what readers who are in Reading Workshop do.  Please see the above list :)  After talking about how we are in control of our own reading including what we like to read, where we read, and when we read, the students wrote on their whiteboards a favorite book they have and where they were when they read it.  Next we made a class list of all of the places we like to read, and lastly we talked about why we liked those places so much.  The idea was for the students to begin to recognize that reading is not just something we do, it's something we feel :)

We wrapped up by thinking about whether or not we could recreate some of our "favorite reading spots" in the classroom... and many spots can be closely replicated!
Today we talked about traveling shoes and how what kind of shoe you wear depends on where you're going, how far the walk is, and how big your feet are!  The take-away point for today was that THE SHOE DOESN'T ALWAYS FIT!  Similarities in our "shoes" will determine which traveling group the kids are a part of.  These will change as our feet grow, but what will never change is that travelers never travel alone. Tomorrow we will talk more about "never traveling alone" as readers.

We will work to establish reading partnerships which will foster reading histories, reading interests, and reading hopes.  I am so excited that this journey has begun :)