Friday, January 4, 2013

HaPPy BiRThDaY Ben RuSH!

Today we celebrated what would have been Ben Rush’s 267th birthday by learning about who he was, his accomplishments, and by representing our school spirit :)  The kids worked hard to prepare a great skit and chant for the spirit day competition and we won our very first cheetah! 

If you’re like me, you may not know much about Benjamin Rush.  What I’ve learned through being at this school is that he was not only a writer, physician, and educator… but a Founding Father and signer of the Declaration of Independence.  Rush was also an opponent of slavery, helped found the first women’s college, and most notably helped mend the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams by encouraging the two to write letters to each other.

We are proud Cheetahs here at Ben Rush Elementary and feel fortunate in the community we’ve all helped to build here :)