Thursday, October 4, 2012

Got GRIT?!

As we wrap up a fantastic week of learning, fun, and conferences I find myself continuing to visit the NBC video on GRIT, and thinking about what it means for our students' futures.

Perseverance is something that happens in the mind, so the way we think and talk to ourselves is essential to the idea of GRIT.

We have only scratched the surface of the topic of perseverance but my goal is for this character trait to become engrained in the kids :)  I want them to believe in themselves, as I do and as you do!  
This week we learned a lot about subjects/predicates- a new topic for most students.  If I ever heard a student say they "couldn't" or "I can't"- I mentioned perseverance and talked about what saying things like that does to the mind. Similarly, if I ever heard a child say "this is easy" or “I’m bored”- I mentioned perseverance and talked about how finding ways to keep busy and push your thinking is as much a part of GRIT as persevering through challenges :)