Thursday, September 27, 2012

4 Point Quick Check Responses

Quick checks are the EnVision end of Topic mini assessments that we take in class to see how we're understanding each area.  Today we worked through the above problem as a class.  We read the question carefully and underlined the important parts of it so that we could visibly see what our job was.  Then we went through each underlined part and made sure we followed directions. 

We also discussed what it means to "explain" something and how this is done thoroughly and thoughtfully.  The expectation is that the students can tell why they answered the way they did- it is not to repeat what they did.

It is still early in the year and my goal is for the students to grow in the area of explaining their mathematical thinking, not for them to become anxious over it :)  Therefore, we will dedicate as much time as needed to solidify this skill as it is something that will benefit the kids in all academic areas... not just math!