Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meet the Crayfish!

For the Structures of Life unit we have some additions to our classroom… crayfish!!  Crayfish are marvelous classroom organisms that are exciting and easy to care for.  Through close observation and investigation the students can learn interesting details about animal structures while developing sensitivity to the needs of living organisms.

The students love standing around watching and conversing about the crayfish.. they’re like little living magnets!  They’re terrific animals for us to study with fascinating appearances.  They’re quite bizarre with an array of legs, appendages, and movements. 

Crayfish are great animals for us to study! They walk, swim, eat, hide, breathe, mate, molt, and die right in the classroom.  Our crayfish habitat is a microcosm of life of earth and we’re learning somuch by spending some time with them!